HIRING a porn star to test whether your man would cheat is NEVER a good idea – as one woman found to her cost
The end result? Well, as you might expect, things didn’t go smoothly when he realized what was happening.
But Valerie isn’t done. “You’re not like gay are you?” she asks, hoping to keep the conversation going.
That wasn’t enough for Valerie. She ramps things up, asking if she can stay at his place and even boldly offers to touch him.
As he tries to leave, she follows him to his car.
Despite this, the girlfriend admits she has mixed feelings about what just happened.
Well, what did she expect? She’s the one who set the whole thing in motion.
Before the prank, the show’s producers had told the girlfriend they spent a lot of time selecting the right porn star for the episode, ensuring the perfect setup for her “test.”
The video ends with the girlfriend calling her boyfriend to explain the prank.
His response? Simple and final: “I’m done.”
When your relationship test involves a porn star, the only thing you’re proving is how fast things can go downhill.